The latest OMERO Plus release includes both new features and performance improvements.

To see specific version information of all components, see the section below.

Feature Highlights

The latest OMERO Plus release includes both new features as well as performance improvements. To see specific version information of all components, see the section below.

Improvements in support for large scale analytical data

Support for segmentation and classification overlays (masks or label images) in PathViewer relies on the OME-Zarr format. These overlays can be complemented by OMERO.tables describing object-level results. In PathViewer and Pageant, the display of objects can dynamically reflect features from this table. With an update to the data model for linking label images (OMERO ROI) to object-level features (OMERO.tables), performance in the relevant clients has been significantly improved.

Specifically, OMERO.tables are now linked to both the related Image and ROI objects. Linkage to the Image enables exploration of this data in OMERO.web and Pageant, while linkage to the ROI enables PathViewer to performantly determine the correct table(s) associated with a particular label image.

Users of the OMERO Segmentation Connector, ROI_Converter_NGFF, or other custom tooling to link OME-Zarr label images to OMERO.tables should reach out to Glencoe Software regarding an upgrade to the latest version of these tools.

Improvements in OME-NGFF (OME-Zarr) support

We have made improvements in both the URI specification and encoding for cloud data. Specifically, the omero-importer-ngff now supports S3 URIs consistent with the AWS CLI tools. In addition, updates across many components improve the support for special characters common to S3 URIs, such as spaces and dashes.


  • OMERO.server 5.6.10-177
  • Glencoe’s Bio-Formats 7.1.0-651
  • omero-ms-image-region 0.8.7
  • omero-ms-pixel-buffer 0.6.4
  • omero-ms-thumbnail 0.5.8
  • omero-plus 0.7.0
  • OMERO.web 5.24.0
  • PathViewer 3.9.0

Upgrading OMERO Plus

To schedule your upgrade of OMERO Plus and take advantage of these new features, reach out to