Supported File Types
The following file formats are fully supported by Bio-Formats for reading, converting and importing into OMERO Plus. See also the table below for additional file formats supported for conversion only.
Format | File Extension(s) |
3i SlideBook | .sld |
Andor Bio-Imaging Division (ABD) TIFF | .tif |
AIM | .aim |
Alicona 3D | .al3d |
Amersham Biosciences Gel | .gel |
Amira Mesh | .am, .amiramesh, .grey, .hx, .labels |
Amnis FlowSight | .cif |
Analyze 7.5 | .img, .hdr |
Andor SIF | .sif |
Animated PNG | .png |
Aperio AFI | .afi, .svs |
Aperio SVS TIFF | .svs |
Applied Precision CellWorX | .htd, .pnl |
AVI (Audio Video Interleave) | .avi |
Axon Raw Format | .arf |
BD Pathway | .exp, .tif |
BDV | .xml, .h5 |
Becker & Hickl SPC FIFO | .spc |
Becker & Hickl SPCImage | .sdt |
Bio-Rad Gel | .1sc |
Bio-Rad PIC | .pic, .raw, .xml |
Bio-Rad SCN | .scn |
BioTek Cytation | .tif, .tiff |
Bitplane Imaris | .ims |
Bruker MRI | |
Burleigh | .img |
Canon DNG | .cr2, .crw |
CellH5 | .ch5 |
Cellomics | .c01, .dib |
Evident (Olympus) cellSens VSI | .vsi |
CellVoyager | .xml, .tif |
CV7000 | .wpi, .tif |
DeltaVision | .dv, .r3d |
DICOM | .dcm, .dicom |
ECAT7 | .v |
EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) | .eps, .epsi, .ps |
Evotec/PerkinElmer Opera Flex | .flex, .mea, .res |
FEI | .img |
FEI TIFF | .tiff |
FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) | .fits |
Gatan Digital Micrograph | .dm3, .dm4 |
Gatan Digital Micrograph 2 | .dm2 |
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) | .gif |
Hamamatsu Aquacosmos NAF | .naf |
Hamamatsu HIS | .his |
Hamamatsu ndpi | .ndpi, .ndpis |
Hamamatsu VMS | .vms |
Hitachi S-4800 | .txt, .tif, .bmp, .jpg |
I2I | .i2i |
ICS (Image Cytometry Standard) | .ics, .ids |
Imacon | .fff |
ImagePro Sequence | .seq |
ImagePro Workspace | .ipw |
IMAGIC | .hed, .img |
IMOD | .mod |
Improvision Openlab LIFF | .liff |
Improvision Openlab Raw | .raw |
Improvision TIFF | .tif |
Imspector OBF | .obf, .msr |
InCell 1000/2000 | .xdce, .tif |
InCell 3000 | .frm |
INR | .inr |
Inveon | .hdr |
Ionpath MIBI | .tif, .tiff |
IPLab | .ipl |
IVision | .ipm |
JEOL | .dat, .img, .par |
JPEG | .jpg |
JPEG 2000 | .jp2 |
JPK | .jpk |
JPX | .jpx |
Keller Lab Block | .klb |
Khoros VIFF (Visualization Image File Format) Bitmap | .xv |
Kodak BIP | .bip |
Lambert Instruments FLIM | .fli |
LaVision Imspector | .msr |
Leica LCS LEI | .lei, .tif |
Leica LAS AF LIF (Leica Image File Format) | .lif |
Leica SCN | .scn |
LEO | .sxm, .tif, .tiff |
Li-Cor L2D | .l2d, .tif, .scn |
LIM (Laboratory Imaging/Nikon) | .lim |
MetaMorph 7.5 TIFF | .tiff |
MetaMorph Stack (STK) | .stk, .nd |
MetaXpress TIFF | .htd, .tif, .tiff |
MetaXpress (Database Connection) | |
MIAS (Maia Scientific) | .tif |
Micro-Manager | .tif, .txt, .xml |
MicroCT | .vff |
Mikroscan TIFF | .tif, .tiff |
MINC MRI | .mnc |
Minolta MRW | .mrw |
MNG (Multiple-image Network Graphics) | .mng |
Molecular Devices | .jdce |
Molecular Imaging | .stp |
MRC (Medical Research Council) | .mrc, .st, .ali, .map, .rec, .mrcs |
NEF (Nikon Electronic Format) | .nef, .tif |
NIfTI | .img, .hdr, .nii, .nii.gz |
Nikon Elements TIFF | .tiff |
Nikon EZ-C1 TIFF | .tiff |
Nikon NIS-Elements ND2 | .nd2 |
NRRD (Nearly Raw Raster Data) | .nrrd, .nhdr, .raw, .txt |
Olympus omp2info | .omp2info |
Olympus CellR/APL | .apl, .mtb, .tnb, .tif, .obsep |
Olympus FluoView FV1000 | .oib, .oif |
Olympus FluoView TIFF | .tif |
Olympus OIR | .oir |
Olympus ScanR | .xml, .dat, .tif |
Olympus SIS TIFF | .tiff |
OME-TIFF | .ome.tiff, .ome.tif, .ome.tf2, .ome.tf8, .ome.btf |
OME-XML | .ome, .ome.xml |
OMERO Pyramid | |
Oxford Instruments | .top |
PCORAW | .pcoraw, .rec |
PCX (PC Paintbrush) | .pcx |
Perkin Elmer Densitometer | .pds |
PerkinElmer Columbus | .xml, .csv, .tif |
PerkinElmer Nuance | .im3 |
PerkinElmer Operetta | .tiff, .xml |
PerkinElmer UltraVIEW | .tif, .2, .3, .4, etc. |
PerkinElmer Vectra/QPTIFF | .tif, .tiff, .qptiff |
Portable Any Map | .pbm, .pgm, .ppm |
Adobe Photoshop PSD | .psd |
Photoshop TIFF | .tif, .tiff |
PicoQuant Bin | .bin |
PICT (Macintosh Picture) | .pict |
PNG (Portable Network Graphics) | .png |
Prairie Technologies TIFF | .tif, .xml, .cfg |
Princeton Instruments SPE | .spe |
Quesant | .afm |
QuickTime Movie | .mov |
RCPNL | .rcpnl |
RHK | .sm2, .sm3 |
SBIG | |
Seiko | .xqd, .xqf |
SimplePCI & HCImage | .cxd |
SimplePCI & HCImage TIFF | .tiff |
SM Camera | |
SPIDER | .spi, .stk |
Targa | .tga |
Tecan Spark Cyto | .db, .tif |
Text | .txt |
TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) | .tiff, .tif, .tf2, .tf8, .btf |
TillPhotonics TillVision | .vws |
Topometrix | .tfr, .ffr, .zfr, .zfp, .2fl |
Trestle | .tif, .sld, .jpg |
UBM | .pr3 |
Unisoku | .dat, .hdr |
Varian FDF | .fdf |
Veeco AFM | .hdf |
Ventana | .bif |
VG SAM | .dti |
VisiTech XYS | .xys, .html |
Volocity | .mvd2 |
Volocity Library Clipping | .acff |
WA-TOP | .wat |
Windows Bitmap | .bmp |
Woolz | .wlz |
Zeiss Axio CSM | .lms |
Zeiss AxioVision TIFF | .xml, .tif |
Zeiss AxioVision ZVI (Zeiss Vision Image) | .zvi |
Zeiss CZI | .czi |
Zeiss LSM (Laser Scanning Microscope) 510/710 | .lsm, .mdb |
Conversion Only File Types
The following file formats are supported for conversion into open file formats using the open-source bioformats2raw library or the NGFF-Converter package.
Format | File Extension(s) |
3D Histech MRXS | .mrxs |
BioTek Cytation 5 | .tif |
Fluidigm Hyperion | .mcd |