From images to instances
Manage and view analysis results alongside images
From instances to insights
Mine analysis results for rare events, without losing the image context
Learn more about using Pageant for managing and gaining greater insights from your analytics.
Image generated from RareCyte’s Orion multiplexed imaging instrument

Advanced Visual Data Mining
OMERO Plus enables the generation of image analysis results at scale and their management alongside the original images. Now with Pageant, these analytical results can be visually mined in an interface built for computational pathologists and data scientists alike.

Synchronized Views
Explore synchronized views of objects, data, and their source image for a uniquely unified perspective of your results. All within the web browser, these data views can be access from anywhere, anytime.
Request a DemoCombined Data Filters
Mine through your results visually in this user-friendly interface. Visualize data distribution to inform your selections. With the object-centered view, even rare populations can be easily identified and reviewed.
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Managing and exploring analytical results alongside images enables essential contextual review and maximizes the value extracted from this primary data.