Glencoe Software is pleased to announce the latest release of OMERO Plus and Bio-Formats, including a new reader for Molecular Devices’ JDCE.
To see specific version information of all components, see the section below.
OMERO Plus now requires minimally Python 3.9 to align with modern security standards. Check out the PathViewer 3.12.0 release notes for more information.
We are excited to announce the release of Glencoe Software’s Bio-Formats 8.0.1-761, which includes everything in open source Bio-Formats 8.0.1 from the Open Microscopy Environment.
See the open source Bio-Formats 8.0.1 release notes from OME here, as well as 8.0.0 release notes here.
In addition, Glencoe Software’s Bio-Formats 8.0.1-761 includes support for the JDCE file format, developed in partnership with Molecular Devices.
This release of OMERO Plus includes everything in open source OMERO 5.6.14. See the release notes from OME here
Upgrade process improvements
Bio-Formats generates cache files upon first reader initialization, and these files are subsequently stored by OMERO Plus. During an upgrade of OMERO Plus and Bio-Formats, some reader changes require regeneration of these files. This is ideally completed during the upgrade, rather than allowing regeneration on-the-fly. This release of OMERO Plus includes changes which improve both the predictability and the performance of this regeneration. Specifically, because initialization time can vary widely across file formats and imaging domains, regeneration tasks are distributed based on the fileset’s original initialization time (documented during import and stored within OMERO metadata) to improve overall timing in parallel environments.
Single Sign On improvements
A bug was fixed where login experience was different for SSO and non-SSO users, which can co-exist in the same OMERO Plus installation. All properties set in the omero.web.login_redirect
OMERO configuration should now be respected for both SSO and non-SSO users upon login.
- OMERO.server 5.6.14-223
- Glencoe’s Bio-Formats 8.0.1-761
- omero-ms-image-region 0.10.2
- omero-ms-pixel-buffer 0.7.1
- omero-ms-thumbnail 0.5.10
- omero-plus 0.10.0
- OMERO.web 5.28.0
- PathViewer 3.12.0
Upgrading OMERO Plus
To schedule your upgrade of OMERO Plus and take advantage of these new features, reach out to